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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

slacking in the name of art..

i was supposed to clean out our junk closet today to make room for all my art supplies....

{intentionally blurry to save your eyes}

instead i got distracted by all my pretty fabric paints
and decided to do more screen prints :)

first layer down
all of these are at various points of completion
i also started my owl screen!
i was procrastinating on this one because it's going to take many layers of mod podge to make this baby print clean lines
normally i wouldn't encourage such fine lines with homemade screens unless you have a lot of patience
{which i don't}
but i really like this design so i'm sticking with my goal

this is how it looks after the first layer
you can see a lot of areas where i will have to go back with my teeny tiny paint brush and the glue to thin the print lines.

it will look pretty neat on some tea stained pillows and towels when it's done, though.


if all goes well i should be breaking ground on my indieTACOMA website this week.
if it weren't for a couple brilliant friends i would have been lost in internet la-la land with no website to be found.

i know some really amazing people.
