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Thursday, April 1, 2010

busy little bee...

believe it or not i have been working.
and working and working and working.

the good news is i finally have something to show for it.
the bad news? i still have a long way to go.

I started the packaging design for my buttons. i have a few kinks to work out but the layout is basically going to look like so:
tonight i finish designing the buttons.
hopefully i'll have something to show you on those tomorrow!

i also started my little canvases.
i got the backgrounds done for all 4 and am waiting for them to be completely dry before i paint the actual images.
aren't these colors the greatest?
so vibrant.

of course, i also found time to make cupcakes.
they were yummy, but somebody already ate them all...
i'll give you a hint-
{it wasn't me}

next on the agenda:
{button designs}
{sew scarves}
{transfer embroidery patterns}

stay tuned!!
