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Saturday, April 24, 2010


it's hard to focus when a loved one is having health issues.
{i'm thankful it's not life or death}
but it still wreaks havoc when it comes around.

the last couple days have been a little stressful.
doctors visits.
new prescriptions.
trial and error.

it's exhausting and scary.

all i wanted to do was create something happy and fuzzy
to distract from the worry.
so i came home last night and laid out all the fabric i owned.

what could i make that would help us smile?

i started cutting and rearranging fabric until i got inspired.
i accidentally made what looked like and owl shape and decided to go with it.
i *love* animal pillows.
like love, love them.
so i went with it.
++and now i officially can't stop++

i went to the craft store and bought every remnant they had
and a metric ton of stuffing.

if this doesn't cheer us up, i don't know what will.

p.s. it already has.
