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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

well read

i'm enjoying the heck out of this book.

it was an incredibly sweet gift from a couple fellow plastic camera enthusiasts
who know a whole lot more about the craft than i do.

after reading this amazing book with a ton of inspiring images
i'm realizing how much i'm missing out on by not bringing my holga *everywhere*

it has definitely sparked a fire.

oh, and i also need a diana+ now.
{preferably this one}

i also got loaned this medium format camera.

oh. my. god.
isn't it gorgeous?
too bad i'm scared to death to use this thing.

when i bought my holga i also bought the 35mm film converter.
while i do feel like this is cheating
i just wanted to get comfortable using the camera with the film i had on-hand
before i committed to buying the ever expensive 120 film it actually requires.

with this kiev medium format i have no choice
but to cough up the dough and just go for it!

i'm going, i'm going.
